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Achat Mobile Power MK II

The Box Pro
the box pro Achat Mobile Power MK II PA EquipmentAchat Mobile Power MK II

– Bundle offer comprising – the box pro Achat Amprack MK II – Ready-built Amprack On Wheels – 1x E1500 bass power amp – 1x E1200 mid/hi power amp – FIR DSP 408 – Connection panel and power supply – DSP pre-programmed for ACHAT Rock ‘n Roll, ACHAT Open Air, ACHAT Club Power and ACHAT Mobile Power – 2x the box pro Achat 115 M – Multifunctional Speaker – Equipped with: 15" bass and 1.4" neodymium mid-range/tweeter (3" voice coil) – Multifunctional housing, very versatile – Power rating: 350 W RMS / 1400 W Peak – Impedance: 8 Ohm – Sound pressure: 131 dB max – Frequency range: 60 … [read more…]
PA Equipment – PA Speakers – Passive Speaker PA Sets – the box pro – Achat Mobile Power MK II –